Terms of Use
Updated August 23, 2019
Our website and products are governed by these Terms of Use. By using X-Ray Lady®, Inc. (also referred to as “us,” “we,” or “our”) website and products, you accept these terms of use in full including the liability disclaimers listed below. You may not use this website or download any information or content from it or any product if you disagree with these terms of use.
Our website uses cookies and is governed by our privacy statement. By using our website and agreeing to these terms of use, you consent to our privacy statement and refund policy.
X-Ray Lady Copyrights and Site Policies
The x-raylady.com website, courses, and content are owned by X-Ray Lady® Inc. and are protected by copyright law. Individually, the words X-Ray Lady CE and the X-Ray Lady logo have registered federal copyrights. Our website and its content may be used, accessed, downloaded, and printed only for personal and non-commercial use. Individuals shall not create derivative works nor exploit, sell, copy, modify or reproduce any material from our website or courses. Images and illustrations used on our website are used solely for representative purposes.
X-Ray Lady ® Inc. regularly updates information on our website but assumes no liability for any incomplete, incorrect, or outdated information. Examples may include inaccuracies related to pricing, course description, and course approval and coding. X-Ray Lady® Inc. has the right to correct any errors and change or update information without prior public notice. This also includes our right to not accept or cancel orders placed with us and to issue credits for orders canceled by our company.
We have the right to make changes to our privacy policy, refund policy, website and these terms of use at any time without prior public notice.
Course Disclaimer and Use of Content
The term “courses” encompasses any and all course material belonging to us necessary for the completion of a course, including (but not limited to) reading material (including text and figures/charts), posttests, and answer sheets (whether ungraded or graded).
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect loss, injury, claim, or damage to property or person arising from the information on our website or in our courses in medical or nonmedical settings. Our courses do not constitute legal, medical, or clinical advice.
Our courses are individually approved for a specific number of continuing education credits by the organization noted on each course’s description page. A course may be available from different continuing education providers and in different formats. Our courses are designed and approved solely to meet individual continuing education requirements and shall not be used for any other purpose.
The individual is responsible for adhering to state, national, and federal imaging certification and licensure regulations pursuant to renewal requirements. Individuals are directed to contact their licensing organization(s) for legal answers to questions about certification, registration, and licensing requirements. We claim no responsibility for determining the appropriateness of a specific course and the amount of credit required for an individual for any requirement.
We submit information regarding our courses to the ARRT® for structured education and CQR certification and registration requirements; however, our courses may completely or partially satisfy those requirements. It is the individual’s responsibility to determine if a CE course meets requirements. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy and classification of structured education or CQR coding categories.
We assume no responsibility for any direct or indirect injury, claim, or damage to property or person if course delivery is delayed due to technical website issues, third-party website issues, physical delivery delays, program errors, personal error, or other reasons. Individuals are encouraged to complete their CE requirements in a timely manner to avoid being delinquent in meeting their deadline.
Our Use of Copyrighted Material
Courses may include material on which we do not own the original copyright. This material is licensed to X-Ray Lady® Inc. solely for course/educational use. We may reprint or distribute this material in a format consistent with our business practice and the license under which we are granted use of the material. You may not use, distribute, or reproduce this material in a manner inconsistent with our license or the material’s copyright. If you desire to use this material for any purpose, consult the original copyright holder.
All copyrighted terms used on our website and in our courses are for identification purposes only and are owned by their respective organizations. Examples include (but are not limited to) the ARRT® (trademark of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists), ARDMS® (trademark of the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography), ARMRIT® (trademark of the American Registry of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists), CCI® (trademark of Cardiovascular Credentialing International), NMTCB® (trademark of the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board), ASRT® (trademark of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists), AHRA® (trademark of the Association for Medical Imaging Management), and CAMRT® (trademark of the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists).
Third-Party Links
X-Ray Lady Inc.’s website contains advertisements and third-party links, including to referral websites, national or state licensure boards, and other websites we deem appropriate to our business. X-Ray Lady Inc participates with affiliate advertising programs and earns fees by linking third party advertisements and offerings. Our website is not endorsed by, affiliated with, or otherwise associated with any third-party organization. By using these third-party links, you agree with their respective governing policies.
It is the individuals’ responsibility to comply with copyrights and terms of use of third parties. Individuals shall also determine the appropriateness of third-party offerings and are cautioned to use at your own risk. We claim no responsibility for determining the appropriateness of third-party offerings. We do not endorse or sponsor third party websites and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from an individual’s use of third-party offerings.
Your Course Reviews, Comments, or Posts
We have the right to use any reviews, ratings, comments, or posts submitted by you. Platforms include, but are not limited to, course evaluations, emails, social media posts, and any other form of communication. Your comments or posts become the property of X-Ray Lady® Inc. when we receive them. We reserve the right to display, use, copy or distribute such reviews, comments, or posts in any medium or manner and for any purpose we deem fit without obligation, royalty, or payment.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
X-Ray Lady® Inc. absolves all warranties including statutory, express and/or implied warrant, merchantability, non-infringement of third-party rights and fitness for a specific purpose. X-Ray Lady® Inc. assumes no liability for any direct, indirect, accidental, damages or consequences such as breach of contract, negligence, tortious conduct, strict liability, etc. caused using our website and any content within the website. Individuals using our CE courses and services acknowledge and agree that X-Ray Lady® Inc. is not liable for any illegal, offensive, or defamatory conduct.
The sole remedy for an individual who is dissatisfied with our website, CE courses or services is to discontinue use of these. An individual shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless X-Ray Lady® Inc. and our affiliates, employees, directors, and agents from and against any damage, loss, cost, fee or expense that may arise from the use of our website.
Dispute Duration and Amount
X-Ray Lady® Inc. liability shall be limited to the dollar amount of purchase paid by an individual to X-Ray Lady® Inc. within 60 days. X-Ray Lady® Inc. shall not be responsible for any additional costs incurred by an individual for any reason. X-Ray Lady® Inc. shall not be responsible for the purchase amount after 60 days from the date of purchase.
Governing Law
This agreement is governed by Kentucky state law. For any dispute arising out of or relating to this agreement, individuals consent to personal jurisdiction in, and the exclusive venue of, the courts in Kentucky.
If any provision in this Terms of Use agreement is found in error or unenforceable, the balance of this agreement will remain in full force and effect.
All X-Ray Lady® CE courses are approved for either category A or A+ CE Credits. All X-Ray Lady® courses are accepted for the ARRT® certification and registration, and most state licensing agencies.
Disclaimer: By joining this mailing list you will receive X-Ray Lady® information via e-mail. CE sales are promoted only via e-mail and our website. For periodic mailings of courses via your physical mailing address please click on the "Contact Us" tab and fill out your information on the form given.
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