American Registry of Radiologic Technologists®
1255 Northland Drive
St. Paul, MN 55120
American Society of Radiologic Technologists®
15000 Central Ave. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123
Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board®
3558 Habersham at Northlake, Building I,
Tucker, GA 30084-4009
800-463-9729 (toll free in Canada)
Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists®
1000 – 85 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6A4
International Society for Clinical Densitometry®
101 Centerpoint Drive, Ste 208 Middletown, CT 06457
American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography®
1401 Rockville Pike,
Suite 600
Rockville, MD 20852
Please find contact and CE information for each state listed below. If your state is not listed, that state does not currently license personnel OR no additional CE is required for renewal. The CE information has been updated as of April 2020. All of our courses are ASRT® approved with the exception of Florida Only Clearance courses. Most states will accept the ASRT® approval. It is the technologists’ responsibility to make sure they are meeting all CE requirements for their particular license. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
ADHS-Bureau of Special Licensing
150 N. 18th Ave., Suite 410
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Email: special.licensing@azdhs.gov
Ph: (602) 364-2079
Website: azdhs.gov
CPTR – Certified Practical Technologists (Limited Scope X-Ray Tech) and CRT- Certified Radiologic Technologists (Full Scope X-Ray Tech) licenses require 24 CE every two years to renew.
Click Here for additional licenses and CE requirements.
ADH-Radiologic Technology Licensure
5800 W. 10th Street, Suite 401
Little Rock, AR 72204
Ph: (501) 661-2301 Fx: (501) 661-2849
Website: healthy.arkansas.gov
Requires 6 CE be completed in the year prior to annual renewal. Click Here to view all rules for licensure.
Please see our California Course Recommendations page for CE requirements for each license.
Click Here to view the RHB Continuing Education Requirements & FAQs.
Colorado Dept of Public Health and Environment-
X-Ray Certification Unit
4300 Cherry Creek Dr So #B2
Denver CO 80246-1530
Email: cdphe.hmxraycomments@state.co.us
Ph: (303) 692-3448
Website: Colorado.gov
Radiologic technologists registered and certified by the ARRT® or NMTCB® do not need additional licensing or registration.
Limited Scope Operators need 24 CE every 2 years.
Connecticut Dept of Public Health
Radiographer Licensure
410 Capitol Ave. MS #12APP
PO Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Ph: (860) 509-7603 Fx: (860) 707-1982
Email: dph.alliedhealth@ct.gov
Website: ct.gov/dph
Radiologic Technologists must have proof of ARRT® certification and registration or complete 24 CE 2 years prior to renewal.
Florida Dept of Health
Radiology Technology Certification
4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin C85
Tallahassee FL 32399-3285
Ph: (850) 245-4910 Fx: (850) 921-6365
Email: mqa.rad-tech@flhealth.gov
Website: floridahealth.gov
Requires 12 CE every 2 year renewal cycle for CRT & BMO licenses. All CE must be Florida approved. All X-Ray Lady® Courses are Florida approved and we have FL Only Clearance Courses.
State of Hawaii Department of Health
Indoor and Radiological Health Branch (IRHB)
99-945 Halawa Valley Street
Aiea, HI 96701
Ph: (808) 586-4700 Fx: (808) 586-5838
Email: daryn.yamada@doh.hawaii.gov
Website: Health.hawaii.gov/irhb
Requires 24 CE every 2 years.
Click Here for applications and renewal forms
IEMA-Accreditation in Medical Radiography
2200 South Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, Illinois 62703
Ph: (217) 785-9913
Email: EMA.RadTech@illinois.gov
Website: IEMA
Requires 24 CE every 2 years for Medical Radiography.
Requires 12 CE every 2 years for Limited Diagnostic Radiography.
For additional licenses Click Here.
Indiana State Department of Health
Medical Radiology Services
2 North Meridian Street, 4th Floor Selig
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 233-1325 (ISDH Main Switchboard)
Email: MedicalRadiology@isdh.IN.gov
Website: IN.gov
All licensees except for limited scope operators must be ARRT® or NMTCB® certified and registered. The state requires no CE for renewal.
Iowa Dept of Public Health
Bureau of Radiological Health
Lucas State Office Building 5th Floor
321 East 12th Street
Des Moines IA 50319
Ph: (515) 371-2255
Website: idph.iowa.gov
Permits to Operate -License Applications & Renewals
Ph: (515)725-1077
General Radiologic Technologists need 24 CE every two years. Techs with ARRT® certification and registration can show that as proof of completing CE, as long as the it was renewed in the last 60 days.
Limited Radiologic Technologists need 12 CE every two years. Cannot repeat self-directed studies.
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts
800 SW Jackson
Lower Level Suite A
Topeka KS 66612
Ph: (785) 296-7413 or (888) 886-7205
Fx: (785) 368-7102
Website: ksbha.org
Licensed Radiologic Technologists (L.R.T) are required to get 12 CE yearly for the annual license renewal. All licenses expire September 30th annually.
Kentucky Board of Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapy
2365 Harrodsburg Rd, Suite A220
Lexington, Kentucky 40504
Ph: (502) 782-5687 Fx: (502) 782-6495
Email: kbmirt@ky.gov
website: kbmrit.com
Medical Imaging Technologists must be certified and registered by the ARRT® or NMTCB® and complete 24 CE every two years according to their ARRT® or NMTCB® biennium.
Limited X-Ray Machine Operators (LXMO) are required to get 12 CE every two years. The biennium goes by the year the tech was first licensed.
Louisiana State Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners – LSRTBE
3108 Cleary Avenue Suite 207
Metairie LA 70002
Ph: (504) 838-5231 Fx: (504) 780-1740
Email: laradbrd@bellsouth.net
Website: lsrtbe.org
Radiologic Technologists licensed after June 1st, 2013 must be ARRT® or NMTCB® certified and registered. All Louisiana RT licenses expire on May 31st every two years. License renewal requires 24 CE in the 24 months proceeding the license expiration date.
Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners
State House Station #35
Augusta ME 04333
Ph: (207) 624-8674 Fx: (207) 624-8637
Website: maine.gov/pfr
Licenses both Radiologic Technologists and Limited Radiographers. All licenses expire on August 31st of even years and require 24 CE in the 24 months prior to renewal. If you are ARRT® certified and registered you may use that as proof of CE completion.
Maryland Board of Physicians
4201 Patterson Ave.
PO Box 2571
Baltimore MD 21215-0002
Ph: (410) 764-4777
Website: mbp.state.md.us/licensure
Licenses Radiographers. All licenses expire April 30th on odd years. Requires 24 CE for renewal or may use ARRT® or NMTCB® certification and registration as compliance.
MA Dept of Public Health-Radiation Control Program
Schrafft Center Suite 1M2A
529 Main St.
Charlestown MA 02129
Ph: (617) 242-3035
Em: RadiationControl@massmail.state.ma.us
Website: Apply for a License
Radiologic Technologists that apply for a state license must have ARRT® or NMTCB® certification and registration as of January 1st, 2017.
All license expire on odd years by the birth month of the technologist. Renewals require 24 CE. CLICK HERE for the specific amount & type of CE required for your license.
Website: Renewal Info
Minnesota Department of Health – Radiation Control
X-Ray Program
625 Robert Street North
PO Box 64975
St. Paul, MN 55164-0975
Ph: (651) 201-4545 Fx: (651) 201-4606
Email: health.xray@state.mn.us
Website: health.state.mn.us
Radiologic Technologists must be ARRT® certified and registered. Limited Scope X-Ray Operator must pass ARRT®-State Exam. Each license requires 24 CE every two years for license renewal.
Mississippi State Department of Health
Professional Licensure Division – Medical Radiation Technicians
PO Box 1700
Jackson MS 39215
Ph: (601) 364-7360 Fx: (601) 364-5057
Website: Medical Radiation Technicians
Limited X-Ray Machine Operators
Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure
1867 Crane Ridge Drive, Suite 200-B
Jackson, MS 39216
Email: JWhite@MSMAonline.com
Ph: (601) 853-6733 ext 332
Website: Limited Operators
Medical Radiation Technicians require 24 CE every two years for renewal.
Limited X-Ray Machine Operators require 12 CE including 6 CE in radiation protection every two years.
Board of Radiologic Technologists
301 S Park 4th Floor
PO Box 200513
Helena, MT 59620
Ph: (406) 841-2037
Website: boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov
All licenses must be renewed annually December 1st thru February 1st.
Radiologic Technologists must show proof of ARRT® certification and registration to be compliant with CE. The state requires 12 CE annually.
Limited Permit X-Ray requires 6 CE annually for renewal.
Mailing Address:
DHHS-Licensure Unit
Attn: Medical Radiography
PO Box 94986
Lincoln NE 68509-4986
Physical Address:
Nebraska State Office Building
301 Centennial Mall South
14th & M Streets, 1st Floor
Lincoln NE 68509-4986
Ph: (402) 471-2118 Fx: (402) 742-8355
Email: DHHS.MedicalOffice@nebraska.gov
All Medical Radiographer licenses require 24 CE to renew every 2 years. All licenses renew on December 1st of even years. ARRT® certification and registration can be used as CE compliance.
Website: DHHS-Medical Radiography Info
Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health
675 Fairview Drive, Suite 218
Carson City. NV 89701
Phone: (775) 687-7550
Fax: (775) 687-7552
Email: radcontrolclics@health.nv.gov
Radiologic Technologist and Radiation Therapy need 24 CE every 2 years.
Limited techs need 20 CE every 2 years.
Board of Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapy
121 South Fruit Street, Suite 303
Concord, NH 03301
Ph: (603) 271-8389 Fx: (603) 271-6702
Email: Stacy.Parr@oplc.nh.gov
Website: oplc.nh.gov
Licenses Radiologic Technologists and Limited Technologists and requires 24 CE to renew every two years according to the tech’s birth month.
New Jersey Dept of Environmental Protection
Bureau of X-Ray Compliance
PO Box 420 Mail Code 25-01
Trenton NJ 08625-0420
Ph: (609) 984-5890 Fx: (609) 984-5811
Email: rpp@dep.nj.gov
Website: state.nj.us
The state does not require CE for renewal; however, CE is required for most national certifications and by the MQSA (Mammography Quality Standards Act).
Website: env.nm.gov/nmrcb
Ph: (505) 476-8633 Fx. (505) 476-8654
Mailing Address:
Radiation Control Bureau
New Mexico Environment Department
PO Box 5469
Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469
Physical Address:
Radiation Control Bureau
New Mexico Environment Department
1100 S. St. Francis Dr., Suite 2022
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Requires Radiologic Technologists to be ARRT® or NMTCB® certified and registered. Required to show proof of certification and registration with renewal.
Limited Technologists are required to get 24 CE to renew.
New York Dept. of Health
Center for Environmental Health-BERP
Empire State Plaza-Corning Tower, Room 1201
Albany, New York 12237
Ph: (518) 402-7580 Fx: (518) 402-7575
Email: berp@health.ny.gov
Website: nyhealth.gov
Requires 12 CE per year for all licenses. Technologists may use ARRT® or NMTCB® certification and registration as proof of CE compliance.
ND Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapy Board
PO Box 398
Bismark, ND 58502
Ph: (701) 425-0861 Fx: (701) 224-9824
Email: info@ndmirtboard.com
Website: ndmirtboard.com
Requires 24 CE every 2 years for Radiologic Technologists. Five of the 24 CE must be in the modality you are currently practicing.
Requires 12 CE every 2 years for Limited X-Ray Machine Operators.
Ohio Department of Health
Radiologic Licensure
246 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Ph:(614) 752-2370 Fx: (614) 564-2460
Email: Xray.Licensure@odh.ohio.gov
Website: odh.ohio.gov
Licenses Radiologic Technologists and General X-Ray Machine Operators. Requires 12 CE per year for renewal. Technologists may show ARRT® certification and registration as CE compliance.
Oregon Board of Medical Imaging
800 NE Oregon Street – Suite 1160A
Portland, OR 97232-2162
Phone: (971) 673-0215 / Fax: 971-673-0218
Website: obmi.gov
Radiologic Technologists must show ARRT® or NMTCB® certification and registration as CE compliance for renewal. If the tech holds a state Fluoroscopy permit, the tech is required to have 4 CE in fluoroscopy & radiation safety per annual renewal.
Limited Operators licensed in 1-3 areas are required to get 18 CE with 4 in radiation safety every two years. If licensed in 4 or more areas the tech needs 24 with 4 in radiation safety every 2 years. Click Here for OBMI’s CE grid for limited operators.
Click Here for info on the Cultural Competency C.E. requirement.
Rhode Island Department of Health
Radiologic Health Program
3 Capitol Hill Rm 205
Providence RI 02908
Ph: (401) 222-5960
Website: health.ri.gov/licenses
Licenses Radiologist Technologists that must be ARRT® or NMTCB® certified and registered. All licenses expire July 31st on odd years.
SC Radiation Quality Standards Association
PO Box 7515
Columbia SC 29202
Ph: (803) 771-6141
Website: scrqsa.org
Radiologic Technologists required to get 24 CE per biennium or show ARRT® or NMTCB® certification and registration.
Limited Radiography – General: 12 hours/2 years Limited Radiography – Chest: 6 hours/2 years
Other License types Click Here
Health Related Boards
Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners
665 Mainstream Drive
Nashville, TN 37243
Ph:(615) 532-3202
Email: medical.health@tn.gov
Website: tn.gov/health
Licenses Radiologic Technologists and Limited Scope Operators. The state requires all licenses to complete 20 CE every two years. Radiologic Technologists must have ARRT® certification and registration. Two of the required 20 biennial C.E. hours must be pertaining to Tennessee ethics.
Texas Medical Board
333 Guadalupe
Tower 3, Suite 610
Austin, TX 78701
Email: TMBscreening@tmb.state.tx.us
Ph: (512) 305-7030
Website: tmb.state.tx.us
Texas licenses General and Limited Medical Radiographers (GMRT, LMRT). They also have a NCT (Non-Certified Radiologic Technician Registry).
Click Here to visit the TX Medical Board website for CE information.
Click Here for info on the Human Trafficking Training requirement.
Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
Radiologic Technology
160 E 300 S
PO Box 146741
Salt Lake City UT 84114-6741
Ph: (801) 530-6628 toll-free in Utah (866) 275-3675 Fx: (801) 530-6511
Website: dopl.utah.gov
Licenses Radiologic Technologists and Radiology Practical Technician. Radiologic Technologists are required to get 24 CE every 2 years and practical technicians are required to get 10 CE every two years for renewal. All licenses expire on May 31st of odd years.
Board of Radiologic Technology
Office of Professional Regulation
89 Main Street, 3rd Floor
Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
Ph: 802-828-1505
Website: state.vt.us
Radiologic Technologist required to be ARRT® certified and registered and obtain 24 CE every two years.
Commonwealth of Virginia
Dept. of Health Professions / Board of Medicine
9960 Mayland Drive #300 Perimeter Center
Henrico VA 23233-1463
Ph: (804) 367-4600
Email: medbd@dhp.virginia.gov
Website: dhp.virginia.gov
Radiologic Technologists are required to get 24 CE every two years. Limited Technologists are required to 12 CE every two years that corresponds to the anatomical areas the limited tech is licensed.
Department of Health
Radiologic Technology Program
PO Box 1099
Olympia WA 98504-7852
Ph: (360)236-4700
Email: hsqa.csc@doh.wa.gov
State does not require CE for renewal.
WV Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapy Technology Board of Examiners
1124 Smith Street
Suite B300
Charleston, WV 25301
Ph: (304) 558-4012 Fx: (304) 957-0177
Email: rtboard@wv.gov
Website: wvrtboard.org
Radiologic Technologist must be ARRT® or NMTCB® certified and registered and complete 24 CE every two years.
Grandfathered Licensees are required to get 12 CE every year.
Department of Safety and Professional Services
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI 53705
Ph: (608) 266-2112
Website: dsps.wi.gov
Licenses Radiologic Technologists and Limited Operators (LXMO). Both are required to get 24 CE every 2 years and all licenses expire on August 31st of even years.
Wyoming Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners
1800 Carey Avenue 4th Floor
Cheyenne WY 82002
Ph: (307) 777-3628
website: radiology.wyo.gov
Radiologic Technologists must have 24 CE every 2 years or may show ARRT® or NMTCB® certification and registration for proof.
Radiologic Technicians (Limited Scope) are required to get 6 CE every year.
All X-Ray Lady® CE courses are approved for either category A or A+ CE Credits. All X-Ray Lady® courses are accepted for the ARRT® certification and registration, and most state licensing agencies.
Disclaimer: By joining this mailing list you will receive X-Ray Lady® information via e-mail. CE sales are promoted only via e-mail and our website. For periodic mailings of courses via your physical mailing address please click on the "Contact Us" tab and fill out your information on the form given.
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