Need to know if this course is approved for your CE requirements? Click on the Approvals tab above.
Ordering Options
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Test Only via email
Test Only via USPS
Test Only Purchases
Purchasing a Test Only means that you will only receive the test. All tests correlate directly with the reading materials for the CE course. You must complete the test that is sent to you; no previous versions (ie, longer/shorter) of any test will be accepted for CE credit. It is the customer’s responsibility to make sure you have the correct reading material to complete the test. X-Ray Lady is not responsible for the failure of a test when trying to complete a course without any or incorrect reading material. No refunds, exchanges, or store credits are issued after failing all three attempts allowed for the course.
Customer Reviews
“This was a great refresher. Easy reading and paced. It kept my interest.”~Susan Q. 4/9/19
“Excellent course…look forward to more.”~Miriam 1/18/19
“This course was excellent to prepare me for my fluoroscopy permit exam. It covered every aspect with enough detail, but not too much detail.”~Lori 1/9/19
“Straight forward, easy to learn, & to the point.”~Ari 11/21/18
“It actually was a good refresher (took me back to school studying)! We need to always remember radiation needs to be respected. Good reminder.”~Terri 10/04/18
Course Description
The increasing use of complex and involved interventional and diagnostic imaging procedures renews concern for both patient and staff radiation dose and radiation safety principles and procedures. Of special interest are fluoroscopy procedures in which the use of a continuous x-ray beam increases patient and staff radiation dose. For this reason, radiation safety principles and operator knowledge are essential in keeping radiation dose as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) for both patients and fluoroscopy staff while still producing a diagnostic quality image so as to not deliver unnecessary radiation. This course reviews dose management goals, technical factors of digital fluoroscopy and how they influence radiation dose, dose reduction principles, safe and proper use of digital fluoroscopy equipment, and the concepts of justification and optimization in regards to radiation safety. Cardinal principles to reduce radiation dose are also discussed.
This course is based on the book Digital Fluoroscopy & Radiation Safety, by Jeana Fleitz, M.Ed., RT(R)(M)(ARRT)™. The book/PDF is 62 pages long and 8.5 x 11 inches in size. This book has 12 pt font and 1.5 line spacing.
The test has 33 multiple choice and true/false questions.
Approved by the following and accepted for ARRT® Certification and Registration.
American Society of Radiologic Technologists® (ASRT)®
Course Approval End Date 03/01/2028
Florida Department of Health, Board of Radiation Control (FLDOH-BRC)
Accepted: Yes. They accept the ASRT® approval but you must self report the credits using your certificate of completion.
Category: Technical
California Radiologic Health Branch
Accepted: Yes
Digital: Yes
Fluoroscopy: Yes
According to the Radiologic Health Branch, “if any of the mammography or fluoroscopy CE credits that you have obtained are related to digital radiography, they may be used to satisfy the four (4) digital radiography CE requirements.” This course can be applied to both the CA digital and fluoroscopy requirement. See Question 4 under the FAQ section of California’s CE requirements here.
Texas Medical Board
Direct Credit
**Please call our office for course renewal status**
All X-Ray Lady® Courses may be used for CQR or structured education requirements for ARRT® certifications and registrations. It is your responsibility to determine if a course will apply towards your specific CE requirements, but we are happy to help you find something! Email us your CQR CE prescription at and we’ll find the best course options we have to offer!
Click the links below for the ARRT® Credit Distributions for all of X-Ray Lady’s CE courses!
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